Next up in our predictions series, we welcome Downtown's CMO, Molly Neuman...
As the market continues to grow and competition grows, how do you expect music brands to cut through the noise in 2024?
MN: I expect 2024 will be a year of increased focus for many companies. Rapid and ubiquitous expansion might be less critical than localized, intentional growth toward a more stabilized, healthy music ecosystem.
For as long as you’ve been involved in the music industry, you’ve been a fierce advocate for diversity and inclusion, what changes do you expect to see in 2024?
MN: Seeing the impact of more diverse roles and voices in our industry is remarkable. I expect we’ll see more leaders representing underrepresented communities and more impact from their work.
What is the most important thing the industry should look to achieve in 2024?
MN: I hope that after all we’ve been through the past five years, from monumental law and policy changes at the US copyright office to continuous growth of access to music and tools for creation, we as an industry might realize there’s room for all of us and better health when we find ways to work together on structural improvements that will help us maintain a stable and scalable industry.
Your artist to watch in 2024.
MN: From my more “senior” in years vantage point, I love seeing artists who had been quiet or had stopped working altogether, come together to find new audiences, use new tools, and own their destinies in a new environment for creativity. I’m looking back to look forward!